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The Home of

Student Experience

The Crowd Agency are supporting Native with research into the digital media landscape within Students' Unions as we believe there is scope to generate more revenue for you and the sector as a whole.


Your Chance to Win


Your Chance

to Win Prizes!

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As a thank you for your time every individual who fills in the survey has the chance to win a £100 Gift Voucher as well as a £250 donation to your Unions RAG fundraising for the current year.


Enter Our

Survey Here

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We know that Students' Union media is often of very high quality with high engagement and yet major brands and agencies will target students via publishers such as facebook and google as it's just a case of a few simple clicks. This is all revenue being lost by Students' Unions alongside missed opportunities to secure partnerships that will add value to your membership. Please help us bring more brand revenue onto campus by filling out our survey.

The Box

Thank you for helping us in trying to change on-campus media for the better and to drive more investment into the student ecosystem
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